Friday, 24 February 2012

Tips for Having a Daughter

However, many still have a very strong desire to have a girl baby when they have more than one son. Using this scientific information, it is possible to determine that you should have intercourse a few days before ovulation-the male sperm will die off, leaving the female sperm ready to fertilize the egg when released.

Certain methods of conceiving a girl also advocate shallower penetration. Within the vagina, the more acidic conditions near the entrance of the vagina are more supportive of female sperm and it is less likely that the male sperm will be in peak condition to fertilize the egg Too close to ovulation and you may conceive a boy, so the ideal time is two to five days before ovulation.

That's not to say that couples with children of only one sex love them any less, it's just that they would often prefer any additional children to be of the opposite sex so they can experience the whole spectrum of parenthood. Notwithstanding certain religions, very few couples indeed would admit to preferring a family consisting of only boys or girls, with most wanting at least one of each sex. In addition, they are able to survive for longer than male sperm.

Most couples do not go as far as seeking expensive and invasive formal gender selection procedures. To understand how to conceive a girl baby, you should abstain from intercourse for 2 days prior to ovulation and on the day of ovulation itself. Female sperm are much slower and heavier than male sperm and therefore take longer to swim to the egg. Fortunately, there are a number of simple measures you can take which will significantly improve your chances of conceiving a girl.

Doing this ensures that the faster male sperm cannot quickly reach the egg and fertilize it before the slower female sperm. No matter which way you look at it, a family consisting of children of both sexes feels "right". Usually, the desire to know how to conceive a baby girl is borne out of a wish to balance a family.

To do this correctly you need to know when you are likely to ovulate and you may need to keep a check on your cycles and possibly use an ovulation predictor kit for 3 months beforehand. The sperm determines the gender of your baby and so certain techniques concentrate on what you can do from this angle.

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